About Us
We are sanctioned by the American Kennel Club and therefore, love to advance pure-bred dogs, but WE LOVE ALL DOGS! We strive to protect and encourage responsible canine ownership and provide a network of like-minded individuals!
Our Objectives
Further the advancement of all breeds of pure-bred dogs
Do all in our power to protect and advance the interests of all breeds of pure-bred dogs and encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trials
Conduct sanctioned matches, dog shows, and obedience trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.
Meetings & Classes
Our meetings are held in the greater McClean County area on the second Tuesday of each even numbered month.
Confirmation Classes are drop-in classes held on Thursday nights at the Town and Country Kennel Club.
Our Club is proud to support the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy® designation and training.
Heart of Illinois Cluster Dog Shows
​Our club partners with the Illinois Valley Kennel Club of Peoria to co-host the Heart of Illinois Cluster Dog Shows over the Memorial Day weekend at the McLean County fairgrounds.