Our meetings are held in the greater McLean County area every other month, at such hour and place as designated by the Board of Directors.
Written notice of the current year meetings is mailed to the membership the first week of January.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each even numbered month, except February, when the meeting is moved to the third Tuesday, due to the Westminster Dog Show. Our meetings are typically held at a local restaurant so our members can enjoy dinner and networking together at 6:30 with the meeting starting at 7pm.
Annual Dog Show Cluster
Our club has partnered with the Illinois Valley Kennel Club of Peoria to co-host the Heart of Illinois Cluster Dog Shows over the Memorial Day weekend at the McLean County fairgrounds.
Our first shows were held in 1948 and continued every year until 2020. After missing a year, due to Covid-19, our 2021 shows were the first American Kennel Club shows held in Illinois since the inception of the pandemic. Approximately 900 dogs, representing one hundred fifty breeds were showcased over the weekend with entries from almost all 50 states.
Our members work hard to make the shows a success!
Confirmation Classes are drop-in classes held on Thursday nights from 6-8pm at the Town and Country Kennel Club (Town Building). Classes will be held on the 1st and 2nd Thursday of the month from March through November. Instructors will be Allison Livengood and Rod Vance. (No class on July 4th)
Other Events
Other events in the past have included helping comfort the animals at the local shelter during the 4th of July fireworks, canine educational offerings, and ‘Meet the Breed’ opportunities.

Corn Belt Kennel Club
If you love dogs, you’ll love our Club!